Public libraries are becoming less popular and they will soon disappear
Reading as a way of entertainment and receiving information still plays an important role in modern society. Some people think that the popularity of public libraries is decreasing today, whereas others believe they will exist in the future.
As for me, I support the first statement. To begin with, unlike ordinary libraries, new technologies provide quicker methods to make a wide range of information available and more convenient means – like online or e-books – to operate this information. Secondly, I think public libraries were originally intended to lend fiction books so that people could have a good time. Now that we have a great choice of entertaining facilities, reading does not seem as important as it used to be and, therefore, libraries attract fewer customers.
However, there are people who do not share this point of view. They are sure that public libraries are not just storehouses of data. They have historical, cultural and spiritual significance because they unite people by organizing various events connected with holidays, traditions and birthdays of famous authors. Moreover, there will always be people who enjoy reading paper books and their preferences should not be ignored.
I cannot agree with the opposing opinion. Besides libraries, there exist many other institutions where people can meet, socialize and interact, for example, cultural centres, music and sports schools, cinemas and theatres, museums and picture galleries. Those who are fond of paper carriers can buy, print out or borrow them from somebody.
In conclusion, I would like to say that no matter how popular public libraries remain today, they will be replaced by more advanced technological facilities with quick access to vast and interactive amounts of data of educational and entertaining character.